Tithes and offerings account
Please use the Give Online (BFS) link below for any Mission Donations
Account name: Wodonga and District Baptist Church
BSB: 704922
Account Number: 100017222
If you would like to make a mission donation, please click the ‘Give to Mission’ button below.
Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.
We are called in the Bible to be grateful and generous people in our response to an abundantly generous, gracious and loving God.
We believe in the Biblical principle of tithing. In Malachi 3:10 the Bible speaks of bringing the first 10% (tithe) of your income into the storehouse (local church). We do this as an act of worship and obedience, seeing that giving is a key aspect of discipleship.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to be open-handed, generous people. We are called to surrender control of our finances to God’s plans and purposes. The first step in this journey is a commitment to consistent and regular tithing.
Our tithes support day-to-day ministries and activities at Wodonga and District Baptist Church.
Beyond our tithes there is also the opportunity to bless others by supporting various Mission activities.
Wodonga and District Baptist Church are committed to wise, God-honouring stewardship of our resources and best-practice financial accountability, management and governance practices.
Giving by Bank Transfer
This is a tithes and offerings only account.
Deposits should not be made for any other purpose as all deposits are automatically allocated to our monthly tithes.
Account name: Wodonga and District Baptist Church
BSB: 704922
Account Number: 100017222